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CSETAC 2024 Annual Meeting Recap

Carolinas SETAC

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

The 2024 Carolinas SETAC Regional Chapter Annual Meeting was held April 14th- 16th in Boone, NC in conjunction with the Carolinas Area Benthologists Workshop (CABW).  Researchers from academia, government, and industry attended the meeting hosted at Appalachian State University.

2024 CSETAC and CABW Attendees at Appalachian State University

The meeting kicked off on Sunday afternoon with two short courses: “Taxonomic Workshop: Identification of Pycnopsyche Caddisflies” facilitated by Matthew Green (NC DEQ), and “Engagement of Community Stakeholders” facilitated by Sherri White-Williamson (EJCAN), Christine Hendren (Appalachian State University), and Matt Wasson (Appalachian Voices).

These courses were well attended and an engaging way to begin the meeting.

Sunday evening ended with an informal social at the Boone Saloon, where CSETAC and CABW groups mingled over beers and billiards.

Monday morning began with a plenary talk from Sherri White-Williamson regarding a cumulative impact assessment of environmental harm in Sampson County, NC. Her thought-provoking talk was followed by a full day of platform presentations by students and professionals and a career roundtable discussion for students. The Monday evening BBQ social at the Broadstone lodge featured great local food and live music by the Kraut Creek Ramblers!

Tuesday morning wrapped up the meeting with a poster social followed by a brief CSETAC business meeting, which included awards for our best graduate and undergraduate student presentations.


Congratulations to our student presentation award winners!

Student Presentation Award Winners

Graduate Student Platform Presentation

1st Place: Patrick Faught (Duke University)

2nd Place: Bonnie Ertel (University of South Carolina, CSS, NOAA)

3rd Place (tie): Sarah Donaher (Clemson University) and Bridget Knapp (NC State, ORISE, EPA)


Graduate Student Poster Presentation

1st Place: Dominik Bettini (Appalachian State University)

2nd place (tie): Nadia Barbo (ORISE, EPA) and Jazmine Eccles-Miller (Clemson University)

Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation

1st Place: George Hotelling (Appalachian State University)

2nd Place: Emily Willman and Harlie Hodge (Appalachian State University, co-presenters)


We would like to thank our Past-President Sue Calcagni (Catawba College) and board member Shea Tuberty (Appalachian State University) for putting in the work to organize this successful annual meeting! Thank you also to the presentation judges, board members, student representatives, and engaged attendees.

As of the conclusion of this meeting, Pete Key (NOAA) is now the Past-President and Elizabeth Medlock Kakaley (US EPA) is now the President of Carolinas SETAC. Our 2025 CSETAC Annual Meeting will be in Charleston, SC. We look forward to meeting again then, if not at the SETAC North American Annual Meeting in Fort Worth this October!

We are accepting nominations for Board Members and Student Representatives (SC and NC). Please contact us to learn how you can volunteer for these positions within CSETAC.



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